Friday, January 16, 2009

getting back together advice and tips

What Can I do To Get My Ex Back The first main strategy to answer the question about "what can I do to get my ex back" is to forget about the relationship for a while, putting your energy into something else. Go out, make friends, have fun, network, and forget about your ex in general. Set some realistic goals about expanding your repertoire when it comes to seduction and meeting people.

Most people find themselves asking "What can I do to get my ex back following a breakup. They begin to start thinking and philosophizing about everything that could have been done differently. They even begin to make plans about apology letters and other things that might be able to help them get their relationship back.

This tends to be a dead end for one reason above all else: Because you can never really tell what the real reasons were behind a breakup. Women become emotional and sometimes they do not even know what led to the break up at hand and they may not know what is making them feel the way they do. In many circumstances it is only harmful to lose all your energy trying to figure out what went wrong. Give yourself a couple of months and make changes in your life. Take some time away from your ex and it will work wonders.

The effect that strategies like this will have, is that it will allow you to make gradual changes in your life. And in how you perceive the subject of relationships. After a few months, you may have a much better idea of how you want to proceed with your ex.

Do you still want to get back together? Or are you ready to move on? Act accordingly. If you still want to get back together, it might be time to figure out how your ex is feeling about you.

Now is your chance to be a little more direct when it comes to getting your ex back. You need to play strategically, however. Do not simply beg to get back with you, because this is not a good time to be emotional.

Instead, what you should be doing is playing things cool with your ex. If you have spent enough time apart, your ex is probably missing you as badly as you are missing them. Play hard to get a little (don't over do it) and show that you are doing fine without your ex. This will inspire your ex to really rethink things.

And if getting back together with your ex really is meant to be, now is the time when it will become apparent. Be careful not to analyze things too much, because over analyzing may prevent you from acting the right way when trying to figure out "what can I do to get my ex back". Just take things slow and play them cool and you should be fine.
Look helpfull resources to support you, help answer question,"Can I get back with my ex?"
How to think through the steps about getting back with my ex first step
Or try this link

My ex

My Ex ........!

A love break up is a tough time.
What are your break up details? Did your ex tell you by letter, by sms, by email, by voicemail, over dinner, in bed, over breakfast, in the car, on a train? Standing next to you or on a trip, drunk or sobber, spitting crumbs?
All these ways have their oddities, leave their scars, can be hated or laughed about. What was your way?
The inconsiquential details help. Objectifying is the first step to putting some distance betwwen the event and the hurt emotions.

strong emotional reactions about my ex Love my ex, hate my ex, f my ex. All this says is you have strong emotions about your ex.
You've been through the trauma, gone through all theses stages thinking about your ex. Your ex must be special to cause such strong emotions in somebody so special as you!
Such emotional force needs to be considered very carefully, very carefully indeed.
Your future depends on it. So apply the care and consideration but do not take months over it. If it leaves you with strong feelings may be, just maybe the break up needs fixing. Maybe you recall the magic of meeting, of getting together, of shared happy times?
Getting back together with ex. Last thing on your mind? Or is it the only thing you can think about?
If you're that emotional and confused you need help. help from freinds collegues and relatives to give you support in the early days to help you get over the shock. Take you out a little "take you out of your self"

When you have calmed down a little you need more experienced help.
Someone who has talked to many people suffering a love breakup.
Someone who can recognise your emotional turbulence, love, hate, regret, desire.
Someone who has helped them recognise their emotional strength, ability to recover.
Someone who can help you decide IF getting back together is right for you.
Someone who can show you the way to actually get back with ex, and in a way that will make the relationship stonger.

Mr. T 'Dub' Jackson has helped show over 6,000 people how to "get back with my ex"
You are unique, your ex is a special idividual it takes lots of experience to condense the making up plan into actionalbe steps. There are lots of resources for you to use. the ebook "The Magic of Making Up" 3 videos, a letter template to ensure you can open two way conversations.
Looking through this stuff will help you recognise your options you need options, it will help you know your own mind, help all round Get a little help for a little money - if it's not for you use the gurantee. that's what it's there for - your peace of mind.
Listen hers's evidence just to help you, try answers to your question,"How do I get back with my ex?"
How to think through the steps about getting back with my ex your steps forward
Or try this web link